What to Expect
Here's some information on what to be ready for when the summer rolls around! We are always happy to answer any questions you may have - feel free to call or email us at any time. Our number one priority is the safety and comfort of your camper!
Camper Drop-off
10:00-11:00 am
Here's what to do when the first day of camp is finally here! Drop-off happens from 10-11am on Sunday mornings. Make sure you double check the packing list before you leave, and have safe trip to Pinehurst! When you drive down the road, pull down the path labeled "Parent Parking" where you'll see campers playing games and our staff ready to greet you. Once you check in with a director on the field, you'll meet your camper's staff member and take a little tour. After you've been to the office and visited the nurse, you should be good to drop your camper off!
Camper Pickup
9:30-10:15 am
Your camper will be packed and excited to see you at 9:30! We encourage pickup to happen before 10, when new campers will be getting dropped off. Please make sure you have the camper's bags, medications, and that you've checked in at the office before heading back home!
Please Label Everything!
Here is a link to our packing list - counselors LOVE it when you provide a list of what you've packed when you drop off your camper!
Mail and Contact
Mail call is every night after dinner!
Campers love getting letters from friends and family! The occasional package is always fun, too. Please make sure to send things like books and card games instead of candy or gum. It's so important for the kids to get a break from technology, so we have a no-phone policy for the campers. They can certainly write to you if they need anything at all!